Wednesday, 2 April 2008


Here she is finished at last! she will be on eBay tonight at 10pm GMT . Hope you like her , if you've been reading my blog you'll know that I took inspiration from a pink vintage Chad Valley bear. She's a little chubby baby bear so nothing like the old bear really but I just love the pink mohair with the biscuit colour backing and I managed to get a similar colour by dyeing it myself. She's a 7 inch bundle of pink joy! edit .Amy's natural colour is the one you see in the outdoor pics not the indoors where she looks a tad orange (too much fake tan ???? maybe........)


Matthew's Bears. said...

she is soooo sweet gine-lee :)
is she named after "Amy whinehouse" because i know you like her :) and did you stuff her with the wood wool?? it makes such a differance.... well done xxx **matthew**

Matthew's Bears. said...

ohhhh and what is your seller i.d on ebay????

mushroommeadows said...

Amy's cute, both inside and outside! I love the way she waves. :D

Ginie-Lee said...

Hi Matthew , no but clever you anyway cos the original bear was descibed as "wine coloured" so maybe I subconciously called her Amy because of that!! lol !! I did stuff her with wood wool and I liked working with it. My seller name is leechild1407 and I would have liked to sell her internationally but it's my first time selling so wasn't able to :-( xx

Ginie-Lee said...

Hi Mrs Mushrooms!! Thankyou , yes she does look like she's waving ! Thanks for the competition you did over at your blog it was fun , I really love all your work it makes me smile xx

Louise Peers said...

Hi Ginnie ,
cute bear ,a bit of a chameleon it seems ,ha ha ,
Louise xx

Ginie-Lee said...

Yes my photography's not up to much!! Hence the fake tan senario!! ;-)
Ginie xx

Amanda said...

My daughters called Amy. This bear looks lovely. I bet you're really pleased. Has your camera got white balance? When I used that it made such a difference to getting the true colours and no need for flash as I use a homemade light tent and spotlights. Photos can be such hard work, but you've done great with the outside ones.

Ginie-Lee said...

Thanks for the advise Amanda I'll take a look at my camera and see if I can work it out from the instructions ( I've been too lazy to read them ) The light tent and spotlights sound v impressive !! Thanks again and have a great weekend , hello to Amy too x